Meet Lilly

Lilly is the main character in my children’s book. Lilly is an inspirational, self-determined, cheerful little 5 year old that loves beards, just like her Papa!

I was inspired to write this book after hearing a little 5 year old’s story from a small farming town in Saskatchewan. They were self-reliant, cheerful and extemely determined. Determined to tear out their barretes, strip off their dresses on Sunday mornings, have short hair, work on the farm with their Papa and avoid anything deemed pretty. A little farm kid that simply loved their Papa, and explicitly remembers the small icicles which hung from his beard on those cold winter mornings as they did chores together. “Squirting cow’s milk into the mouths of the farm kittens was the most fun,” they said. It became quite clear that the love for their little fringe jacket, their cowboy boots, their cowboy hat and their cowboy cut wrangler jeans was who they were, just like their Papa. Lilly (my main character) was given life in an urban environment because eventually, this is where the little 5 year old farm kid had to move to find acceptance and love.

If all children did not have to navigate labels from birth onward, who would you be? Imagine, a unique authentic self standing in your own mirror reaching for that elusive liberation. I celebrate the day when our differences are honoured, accepted and included in all of human family.