Lilly, loves beards, just like her Papa. She also loves going to the barbershop for her usual buzz cut, however, today she becomes heartbroken when her Papa decides to get his beard shaved off. Suddenly, she feels scared and alone. Her cheerful spirit is soon restored in her Papa’s beardless embrace and through her own decisiveness. A heartwarming story about the unconditional love and acceptance between a father and his gender-creative child.
Wonderful book that every child should read
“Beautiful story about the bond between a parent and their child and how love unites us all. Wonderful illustrations as well. Every parent should read this book with their child. Thank you Carol Thompson Gardner for spreading love in a time we all need it, and making the world a better place.”
Wonderful book!
“A beautiful and important book that honours everyone’s right to be celebrated for who they are! This book is a great tool to support and introduce the very important topic of gender-creativity in a fun, loving way! A lovely addition to the growing number of children’s books that have a focus on gender and/or sexuality. Thank you Carol! We need more books like yours!”
Perfect for young ones and their parents
“This book is perfectly written, warm and beautiful just like we have love inside of us.
My wish is that this is how all conversations will go, or have gone in everyone’s family setting. Truly heartwarming, a new family favorite and a teary eyed gift to a local kindergarten teacher, at my 2 son’s school.
I’m am an honored Ally 🙏💗 A thousand thank yous”