About the Book

Lilly, loves beards, just like her Papa. She also loves going to the barbershop for her usual buzz cut, however, today she becomes heartbroken when her Papa decides to get his beard shaved off. Suddenly, she feels scared and alone. Her cheerful spirit is soon restored in her Papa’s beardless embrace and through her own decisiveness. A heartwarming story about the unconditional love and acceptance between a father and his gender-creative child. 


Wonderful book that every child should read
“Beautiful story about the bond between a parent and their child and how love unites us all. Wonderful illustrations as well. Every parent should read this book with their child. Thank you Carol Thompson Gardner for spreading love in a time we all need it, and making the world a better place.”

Wonderful book!
“A beautiful and important book that honours everyone’s right to be celebrated for who they are! This book is a great tool to support and introduce the very important topic of gender-creativity in a fun, loving way! A lovely addition to the growing number of children’s books that have a focus on gender and/or sexuality. Thank you Carol! We need more books like yours!”

Perfect for young ones and their parents
“This book is perfectly written, warm and beautiful just like we have love inside of us.
My wish is that this is how all conversations will go, or have gone in everyone’s family setting. Truly heartwarming, a new family favorite and a teary eyed gift to a local kindergarten teacher, at my 2 son’s school.
I’m am an honored Ally 🙏💗 A thousand thank yous”

Meet Carol

Lilly Loves Beards is Carol’s first Children’s Picture Book. She grew up on the prairies with the forest as her backyard and the hay fields as her playground. Creating all kinds of characters and convincing her sister and friends to play their assigned roles. Her love for, and studies in English Literature and Creative Writing have assisted her over the years in bringing awareness and movement toward a diverse and inclusive culture.
Carol has been a part of the LGBTQI2S+ community since she was a young adult and it is with deepest gratitude for this embrace, that she return this love and compassion back to her community through her voice. Carol lives on the West Coast of British Columbia with her partner Bodhi and their little dog, Bear. 



Lilly Loves Beards on resource lists and libraries!

Gender Creative Kids – provides resources for supporting and affirming gender creative kids within their families, schools and communities.

Trans Care BC – Improving gender-affirming care across BC

Library Services Centre – For over 50 years, the Library Services Centre (LSC) has stood as an industry leader, serving libraries across Canada.

Vancouver Public Library – Central Branch and Renfrew Branch Library

Rainbow Resource Centre Library – Library is an affirming safer space in which diverse sexual and gender identities, orientations, and expressions are represented in a collection of materials that promotes awareness and education about our community’s experiences.

OUTSaskatoon Resource Library – Curated list of resources and learning tools for yourself, your loved ones and your workplace. Uplifting 2SLGBTQ communities.

Past Events

November 22, 2020 Virtual reading at Alberni Valley United Church
11:00 a.m. In Honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance

May 30, 2020 Virtual reading with Mina Mercury at Kids N’ Queens 
10:00 a.m. Storytime & Build a Beard with Mina & Lilly. 

December 10, 2019 CTV Morning Live in Vancouver, BC
7:40 a.m. The inspiration behind Lilly & how to talk to your gender-creative kids.

November 6 & 7, 2019 LGBTQ2S Two Spirit Gathering at VNFC Youth Services with Bodhi Thompson Gardner. Book sales & signing – 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

November 2, 2019 Book Signing at Owls Nest Books in Calgary, AB
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

September 28, 2019 Book Signing at Woodgrove Chapters in Nanaimo, BC
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

August 17, 2019 Pender Pride at Talisman Books & Gallery on Pender Island, BC
Book Signing 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

August 3, 2019 Vancouver Dyke March at Grandview Park
Book sales and signing from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.  

August 2, 2019 Book Signing at Indigo 2505 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
Book Signing at 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

July 21, 2019 Picnic in the Park at Ceperley/Second Beach, Vancouver Storytime on Stage @ 12:45 pm. Book sales and signing. 

July 7, 2019 Victoria Pride Festival at MacDonald Park. Story Time’s a Drag @ 12:45 pm – Reading (book sales and signing in vending artisan area).

July 4, 2019 Book Launch at Island Savings Centre, Duncan

 June 29, 2019 The Island Vortex-podcast release with Molly Wilder. 

June 22, 2019 East Side Pride at Grandview Park, Vancouver. Storytime in the Park. Book sales and signing.


Lilly Honors Transgender Day of Remembrance at Church

Transgender Day of Remembrance is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. Bodhi and I were invited to speak and bring Lilly with us to share our message of family acceptance and love on November 22, 2020 with the Alberni …
